42oz/1200ml gourmet base (fits lid 5)

Code: V5-GB42

Versatile tray base for food to go. Part of Vegware's Gourmet range, size 5. Multiple lid options. Space efficient stacking. Great for hot or cold, and sturdy enough to load up with food. Ideal for street food and festivals. This moulded fibre product uses reclaimed natural material such as sugarcane, bamboo or wood pulp. Stylish white. Award-winning quality by Vegware, made from plants. Made from recyclable materials.

42安士/1200ml 外賣餐盒

多功能的甘蔗渣外賣餐盒 Vegware Gourmet Range 系列之一 (配5號尺寸餐盒蓋),適用於冷熱外賣食品的環保餐盒,有多種蓋子款式供配搭選擇。此款餐盒可堆疊節省空間,具備優秀的耐熱性能,耐熱可達220ºC,可放進微波爐中加熱或在冷凍櫃中冷凍,是實用又經濟的選擇。由再生的甘蔗渣纖維製成,使用後可以與廚餘一同回收,變成堆肥物料。

Product specs

Case count
Items per pack
Packs per case
Product dimensions
Length: 250mm
Width: 180mm
Height: 43mm
Weight: 26g
Case dimensions
Length: 0.5m
Width: 0.4m
Depth: 0.4m
Volume: 0.08m3
Net weight: 13.600kg
Gross weight: 13.700kg
Outer packing weight: 0.500kg
Inner packing weight: 0.100kg
Pack weight
Packs weight: 1.100kg